Monday, 23 May 2011

What I scored at the clothing swap

1 purple skirt, made of felt -- it's muppetastic! I love it:

1 black & white striped shirt, with cute detailing/tailoring:

I know, I know, I take awful photos. The clothes are cute; you'll just have to take my word for it.

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Five-Dollar Kimono

No, really. There's a little place tucked away in the eastern suburbs called the Asia Gallery (23 Bay Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington) that has a table stacked high with vintage kimono for five dollars each. (The Dreamstress has done an excellent review over at her blog; check it out.)

I have to set myself a five-dollar limit every time I go there and dive into the stack; "you're only allowed to buy one" I tell myself.

Yeah, so the last time I was there I bought two. Still, that's a pair of kimono for ten dollars. Awesome.