Monday, 1 August 2011

Random August Post

The film festival is on (29 July - 14 August) and I've booked tickets for "Space Battleship Yamato" (2 August) and "Drive" (14 August) so there may well be a Film Review in this blog's future.

I've also got a stack of books from the library - have finished "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan, and am currently a third of the way into "The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman. If I ever finish the stack (which includes Seanan McGuire, Gail Carriger and another Carrie Ryan) then there just might be a Book Review also.

And there is a review pending for un petit film I watched the other day (rented from Aro Video) called "12 and Holding" but I've asked some friends of mine to watch it as well, and give me their take on it first. (For those of you who were reading my Shallow Reviews over on Facebook ... yeah, I'm sorry about that. I just could not find a way to write a shallow review on "Bronson" and "Stuart - a life backwards" ... they're kind of heavy films.)

Oh, and this here's a picture for Liz and Miriam:

You're welcome.

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